Linen Yarn

Server: Zodiark

Last Updated: 2/20/23 5:28:34 AM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

1292 78 108 78 68 100 20,947 308 4.20

Level 32 Weaver Recipe for Linen Yarn

Flax 2 231 462 6/18/23 9:53:39 PM
Lightning Shard 2 58 116 2/26/23 8:29:09 PM

Total Price to Craft 2 : 578

Profit/Loss Normal = -110

Profit/Loss HQ = -99

Current Prices

Price History

Zodiark Cross Server Data for Linen Yarn on Light

Lich 50 657 88 50 263 18 299 70,793 269 5/5/23 7:45:54 PM
Odin 75 563 191 75 76 -7 50 36,875 481 3/5/23 5:35:39 PM
Phoenix 152 457 158 152 166 -84 149 10,677 64 2/25/23 3:46:45 AM
Shiva 140 969 140 142 229 -72 395 20,216 88 10/28/23 7:41:09 PM
Zodiark 78 1,292 108 78 68 -10 100 20,947 308 2/20/23 5:28:34 AM
Twintania 35 697 35 42 86 33 32 688 8 2/22/23 3:11:55 AM
Alpha 400 513 400 400 492 -332 398 203,437 413 6/21/24 5:53:25 PM
Raiden 190 1,088 190 198 214 -122 150 125,858 586 2/19/23 11:20:42 AM