Beach Chair

Server: Zodiark

Last Updated: 5/26/23 9:53:00 AM
Search Category: Outdoor Furnishings | Item Category: Outdoor Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 57
More Information

Gathering info:

5 943,434 943,434 670,788 898,507 4,695,521 7 0.70

Level 50 Carpenter Recipe for Beach Chair

Ice Cluster 1 7 7 10/10/22 9:00:10 AM
Wind Cluster 1 226 226 6/15/23 6:57:02 PM
Linen Yarn 3 78 234 2/20/23 5:28:34 AM
Treated Spruce Lumber 3 7,997 23,991 10/24/24 9:45:46 AM
Varnish 5 1,575 7,875 6/12/22 1:23:22 PM
Mariner Cotton Cloth 5 89,250 446,250 5/14/23 4:37:35 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 478,583

Profit/Loss Normal = 17

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Zodiark Cross Server Data for Beach Chair on Light

Lich 525,000 3 0 525,000 0 0 0 0 0 3/12/23 1:39:22 PM
Odin 701,400 9 0 701,400 657,971 -30,612 669,889 2,631,887 4 6/17/23 6:55:05 PM
Phoenix 863,099 10 0 863,099 825,000 -192,311 825,000 1,650,000 2 9/14/23 11:43:42 PM
Shiva 700,000 10 0 700,000 704,900 -29,212 704,850 1,409,800 2 10/21/23 10:36:57 AM
Zodiark 943,434 5 0 943,434 670,788 -272,646 898,507 4,695,521 7 5/26/23 9:53:00 AM
Twintania 599,529 10 0 599,529 571,594 71,259 570,982 2,857,974 5 6/5/23 1:51:34 PM
Alpha 875,758 2 0 875,758 837,527 -204,970 838,055 1,675,055 2 6/17/23 10:54:50 AM
Raiden 941,818 1 0 941,818 500,000 -271,030 500,000 2,500,000 5 6/18/23 6:52:46 PM