Highland Rounded Chimney

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 6/11/22 11:19:02 PM
Search Category: Exterior Fixtures | Item Category: Roof Decoration | Sell price to vendor: 103
More Information

Gathering info:

1 65,100 65,100 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 60 Blacksmith Recipe for Highland Rounded Chimney

Earth Crystal 5 58 290 2/14/25 7:15:10 PM
Titanium Nugget 4 1,570 6,280 3/2/23 9:58:17 AM
Granite 3 207 621 10/5/23 6:05:35 PM
Cut Stone 3 747 2,241 4/19/24 5:07:09 PM
Fire Crystal 6 48 288 10/27/24 1:41:44 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 9,720

Profit/Loss Normal = 10,280

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Highland Rounded Chimney on Primal

Behemoth 1,998 12 0 1,998 0 0 0 0 0 6/24/24 12:45:50 AM
Excalibur 3,674 15 0 3,674 2,345 -3,674 2,345 2,345 1 4/30/23 2:23:41 AM
Famfrit 46,200 5 0 46,200 0 0 0 0 0 4/2/23 10:29:35 PM
Hyperion 65,100 9 0 65,100 0 0 0 0 0 6/11/22 10:51:39 PM
Lamia 60,000 4 0 60,000 15,136 -60,000 55,000 181,641 12 1/22/23 8:33:48 AM
Leviathan 66,675 9 0 66,675 39,220 -66,675 42,000 196,102 5 6/11/22 11:59:16 PM
Ultros 65,100 1 0 65,100 0 0 0 0 0 6/11/22 11:19:02 PM