
Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 10/5/23 6:05:35 PM
Search Category: Stone | Item Category: Stone | Sell price to vendor: 1
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Gathering info:

31 Sorrel Haven, The Black Shroud Region: Central Shroud
31 Sorrel Haven, The Black Shroud Region: Central Shroud

4584 207 207 190 197 124,211 652 7.00
60 Highland Cottage Wall (Wood)
60 Highland Cottage Wall (Stone)
60 Highland Cottage Wall (Composite)
60 Highland House Wall (Wood)
60 Highland House Wall (Stone)
60 Highland House Wall (Composite)
60 Highland Mansion Wall (Wood)
60 Highland Mansion Wall (Stone)
60 Highland Mansion Wall (Composite)
60 Highland Interior Wall
60 Highland Flooring
60 Highland Rounded Chimney
60 Highland Stone Chimney
60 Highland Stone Wall
60 Highland Fence
60 Highland Potting Fence
90 Swinging-door Counter
90 Alpine Open-air Bath
90 Ivy-covered Bridge
90 Garden Gate
90 Amaurotine Interior Wall
90 Amaurotine Flooring
61 Hingan Cottage Wall (Mokuzo)
61 Hingan Cottage Wall (Nanpu)
61 Hingan Cottage Wall (Kura-zukuri)
66 Hingan House Wall (Mokuzo)
66 Hingan House Wall (Nanpu)
66 Hingan House Wall (Kura-zukuri)
68 Hingan Mansion Wall (Mokuzo)
68 Hingan Mansion Wall (Nanpu)
68 Hingan Mansion Wall (Kura-zukuri)
66 Hingan Chimney (Kura-zukuri)
68 Hingan Awning (Mokuzo)
62 Hingan Fence (Mokuzo)
63 Hingan Fence (Kura-zukuri)
68 Hingan Flooring
66 Hingan Oven
90 Leveilleur Estate Flooring
90 Hannish Tile Flooring
70 Tier 2 Metal Aquarium
70 Bomb Stove
60 Unfinished Wood Flooring
70 Odder Otter Wall Lantern
70 Odder Otter Andon Lamp
90 Watcher's Palace Flooring
90 Rattan Partition
90 Greige Carpet
60 Unfinished Interior Wall
38 Riviera House Wall (Wood)
36 Riviera House Wall (Composite)
39 Riviera House Wall (Stone)
50 Riviera Mansion Wall (Stone)
38 Glade House Wall (Stone)
50 Glade Mansion Wall (Composite)
50 Glade Mansion Wall (Stone)
36 Oasis House Wall (Stone)
50 Oasis Mansion Wall (Composite)
50 Oasis Mansion Wall (Stone)
30 Oasis Stone Chimney
50 Riviera Stone Wall
50 Glade Roundpole Fence
70 Tier 4 Metal Aquarium
55 Steppe Kitchen
50 Glade Bathtub
30 Cut Stone
50 Oasis Fence
34 Mosaic Interior Wall
32 Masonwork Stove
31 Masonwork Interior Wall
31 Masonwork Flooring
50 Oriental Bathtub
35 Dried Well
40 Oasis Cobble Flooring
80 Indoor Oriental Garden
80 Rough Stone Interior Wall
80 Rough Stone Flooring
80 Bomb Cauldron
80 Nomad's Tent
80 Oriental Wooden Deck
60 Oriental Wood Bridge
50 Oriental Deck
80 Storm Blue Interior Wall
80 Eastern Indoor Pond
58 Tier 2 Aquarium

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Granite on Primal

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Hyperion 195 1,741 0 195 190 -5 199 187,105 983 2/1/24 1:26:53 AM
Lamia 209 256 0 209 288 -19 500 97,017 336 10/6/23 4:05:38 AM
Leviathan 225 937 0 225 263 -35 215 96,085 364 9/13/23 1:40:17 AM
Ultros 207 4,584 0 207 190 -17 197 124,211 652 10/5/23 6:05:35 PM