Undyed Linen

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 3/4/23 2:55:30 PM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

179 893 1,889 893 691 1,000 25,599 37 4.80

Level 33 Weaver Recipe for Undyed Linen

Linen Yarn 2 189 378 2/21/23 10:59:59 PM
Lightning Shard 2 48 96 9/29/23 3:41:19 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 474

Profit/Loss Normal = 475

Profit/Loss HQ = 474

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Undyed Linen on Chaos

Cerberus 312 1,362 410 312 327 379 399 43,543 133 2/26/23 12:34:59 PM
Louisoix 299 629 400 299 722 392 400 89,629 124 5/28/22 11:59:13 PM
Moogle 893 179 1,889 893 691 -202 1,000 25,599 37 3/4/23 2:55:30 PM
Omega 985 290 985 986 926 -294 994 306,771 331 2/4/25 8:12:26 PM
Ragnarok 271 585 5,879 271 343 420 2,000 28,190 82 2/28/23 2:46:22 PM
Spriggan 524 802 927 524 504 167 880 208,384 413 2/26/23 2:27:41 AM
Sagittarius 830 369 2,940 830 1,360 -139 2,500 50,356 37 2/23/23 5:33:04 AM
Phantom 314 440 314 314 300 377 299 9,916 33 2/28/23 2:02:13 AM