Woolen Cowl

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 7/6/20 2:40:32 PM
Search Category: Body | Item Category: Body | Sell price to vendor: 89
More Information

Gathering info:

2 4,130 4,130 1,749 1,799 3,499 2 1.00

Level 45 Weaver Recipe for Woolen Cowl

Wind Shard 5 36 180 10/21/24 10:58:13 PM
Undyed Linen 1 893 893 3/4/23 2:55:30 PM
Undyed Woolen Cloth 3 1,400 4,200 2/13/25 7:33:52 PM
Woolen Yarn 1 749 749 1/3/24 7:03:43 PM
Lightning Shard 6 48 288 9/29/23 3:41:19 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 6,310

Profit/Loss Normal = 8,690

Profit/Loss HQ = -6,309

Desynthesizes into:

Clear Demimateria II
Lightning Shard
Wind Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Woolen Cowl on Chaos

Cerberus 5,000 5 15,000 5,000 2,132 -3,251 4,001 10,662 5 11/2/19 6:31:38 PM
Louisoix 118 6 4,199 118 0 0 0 0 0 7/14/19 11:06:59 PM
Moogle 4,130 2 4,130 0 1,749 -2,381 1,799 3,499 2 7/6/20 2:40:32 PM
Omega 24,000 3 24,000 25,000 24,333 -22,251 24,000 73,000 3 8/18/21 4:05:11 PM
Ragnarok 17,550 3 30,000 17,550 5,500 -15,801 6,000 11,000 2 2/19/20 6:49:35 AM
Spriggan 10,089 2 14,000 10,089 9,500 -8,340 10,000 19,000 2 1/24/21 4:00:16 PM