Ophiotauroskin Magitek Codex

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 4/5/23 11:56:01 AM
Search Category: Scholar's Arms | Item Category: Scholar's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 709
More Information

Gathering info:

7 47,114 47,114 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 88 Alchemist Recipe for Ophiotauroskin Magitek Codex

Lightning Crystal 8 23 184 10/7/23 12:41:35 PM
Water Crystal 8 39 312 4/24/24 10:29:23 AM
Blue Zircon 1 999 999 6/9/24 10:44:58 AM
Scarlet Moko Cloth 1 190 190 2/13/25 7:36:21 PM
Enchanted Manganese Ink 2 1,995 3,990 3/4/23 8:38:05 AM
Ophiotauros Leather 2 985 1,970 1/13/24 10:19:56 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 7,645

Profit/Loss Normal = 36,784

Profit/Loss HQ = 58,715

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Ophiotauroskin Magitek Codex on Chaos

Cerberus 52,499 6 138,599 52,499 86,999 -52,499 119,999 521,997 6 2/26/23 7:15:45 PM
Louisoix 83,999 4 83,999 0 81,780 -83,999 81,780 81,780 1 6/16/23 6:40:15 PM
Moogle 47,114 7 47,114 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/5/23 11:56:01 AM
Omega 84,000 1 84,000 0 79,999 -84,000 80,000 239,999 3 6/20/23 7:50:20 PM
Ragnarok 74,025 6 74,025 0 0 0 0 0 0 7/1/23 6:41:30 AM
Spriggan 104,977 3 104,977 0 99,950 -104,977 99,950 99,950 1 6/23/23 4:31:29 PM