Susano's Rapturous Rod

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 4/18/23 11:19:11 AM
Search Category: Thaumaturge's Arms | Item Category: Twohanded Thaumaturge's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 621
More Information

Gathering info:

6 129,789 129,789 129,999 129,999 129,999 1 6.00

Level 70 Goldsmith Recipe for Susano's Rapturous Rod

Wind Crystal 7 66 462 2/11/25 11:51:24 PM
Demicrystal 5 795 3,975 9/24/24 8:41:37 PM
Blade of Revelry 1 5,999 5,999 9/24/24 8:40:59 PM
Palladium Ingot 3 180 540 9/17/24 5:51:30 PM
Chromite Ingot 2 900 1,800 10/5/24 6:40:44 AM
Rhodonite 2 20,000 40,000 9/17/24 5:52:08 PM
Fire Crystal 7 72 504 2/21/25 7:25:22 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 53,280

Profit/Loss Normal = 86,718

Profit/Loss HQ = 76,509

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Susano's Rapturous Rod on Crystal

Balmung 315,000 1 315,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/2/23 3:46:40 PM
Coeurl 527,876 6 527,876 0 0 0 0 0 0 10/13/22 10:11:23 PM
Goblin 157,500 9 157,500 0 142,000 -27,501 150,000 710,000 5 6/9/22 6:46:00 PM
Zalera 79,565 1 79,565 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/12/23 10:28:08 AM
Brynhildr 259,349 9 259,349 0 245,000 -129,350 245,000 490,000 2 6/13/22 8:34:30 PM
Diabolos 167,973 1 167,973 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/1/24 2:37:03 PM
Malboro 129,789 6 129,789 0 129,999 210 129,999 129,999 1 4/18/23 11:19:11 AM
Mateus 266,368 2 266,368 0 258,650 -136,369 254,683 775,950 3 6/13/22 8:49:54 PM