The Unending Journey

Server: Famfrit

Last Updated: 5/3/22 11:20:20 PM
Search Category: Tables | Item Category: Table | Sell price to vendor: 233
More Information

Gathering info:

4 107,900 107,900 114,071 108,000 1,482,928 13 0.30

Level 58 Carpenter Recipe for The Unending Journey

Cassia Lumber 1 2,400 2,400 2/5/24 6:42:50 AM
Mythrite Ingot 1 2,500 2,500 6/5/24 6:44:11 AM
Birch Lumber 2 299 598 7/16/23 8:38:04 PM
Ice Shard 8 63 504 5/25/24 5:40:08 AM
Wind Shard 8 69 552 5/25/24 5:40:15 AM
Undyed Velveteen 1 395 395 11/5/24 10:08:10 PM
Glade Lantern 1 18,789 18,789 6/3/23 3:56:39 PM
Ink & Quill 1 8,000 8,000 2/7/23 6:53:24 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 33,738

Profit/Loss Normal = 54,562

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Fieldcraft Demimateria II
Wind Shard
Ice Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Famfrit Cross Server Data for The Unending Journey on Primal

Behemoth 73,238 3 0 73,238 62,530 40,833 60,000 437,710 7 6/10/22 6:00:14 PM
Excalibur 146,999 6 0 146,999 131,689 -32,928 139,990 658,446 5 6/10/22 5:28:43 PM
Exodus 167,444 3 0 167,444 131,867 -53,373 153,000 527,470 4 6/10/22 5:25:16 PM
Famfrit 107,900 4 0 107,900 114,071 6,171 108,000 1,482,928 13 5/3/22 11:20:20 PM
Hyperion 63,000 15 0 63,000 82,873 51,071 59,999 662,989 8 2/19/23 10:00:43 AM
Lamia 102,095 5 0 102,095 126,025 11,976 97,232 630,127 5 2/26/23 1:43:47 PM
Leviathan 71,395 11 0 71,395 67,663 42,676 67,994 202,990 3 2/26/23 6:32:43 AM
Ultros 300,000 2 0 300,000 211,373 -185,929 206,000 1,690,990 8 6/21/22 2:51:17 AM