Birch Lumber

Server: Famfrit

Last Updated: 7/16/23 8:38:04 PM
Search Category: Lumber | Item Category: Lumber | Sell price to vendor: 6
More Information

Gathering info:

238 299 299 299 777 298 38,092 49 4.90

Level 58 Carpenter Recipe for Birch Lumber

Wind Crystal 5 60 300 5/25/24 5:30:12 AM
Birch Log 5 45 225 5/25/24 9:14:21 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 525

Profit/Loss Normal = 374

Profit/Loss HQ = 275

Current Prices

Price History

Famfrit Cross Server Data for Birch Lumber on Primal

Behemoth 900 386 999 900 920 -123 2,000 235,740 256 1/12/24 1:36:49 AM
Excalibur 906 337 1,100 906 877 -129 895 95,688 109 12/28/23 5:31:29 AM
Exodus 662 412 724 662 941 115 744 233,535 248 2/27/23 4:55:15 PM
Famfrit 299 238 299 299 777 478 298 38,092 49 7/16/23 8:38:04 PM
Hyperion 406 176 906 406 972 371 400 101,136 104 6/9/24 11:45:52 PM
Lamia 838 98 1,200 838 786 -61 3,000 127,338 162 2/11/25 11:41:16 PM
Leviathan 450 385 450 506 1,024 327 495 311,481 304 2/27/23 4:59:50 PM
Ultros 1,400 140 2,880 1,400 965 -623 1,006 177,566 184 9/25/23 3:57:57 AM