Ancient Lumber

Server: Chocobo

Last Updated: 5/30/23 4:44:57 PM
Search Category: Lumber | Item Category: Lumber | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

3758 3,360 3,780 3,360 3,313 3,000 46,388 14 268.40

Level 50 Carpenter Recipe for Ancient Lumber

Ice Cluster 1 10 10 6/16/22 4:14:05 AM
Wind Cluster 2 135 270 6/21/23 6:52:10 AM
Scarlet Sap 1 523 523 6/27/23 6:39:01 AM
Petrified Log 1 1,469 1,469 5/17/21 3:33:15 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,272

Profit/Loss Normal = 1,328

Profit/Loss HQ = 1,328

Current Prices

Price History

Chocobo Cross Server Data for Ancient Lumber on Mana

Anima 7,298 354 7,928 7,298 6,932 -3,985 6,500 97,058 14 6/27/23 10:25:44 AM
Asura 4,515 153 4,599 4,515 4,278 -1,202 4,300 115,506 27 6/14/22 5:58:36 AM
Chocobo 3,360 3,758 3,780 3,360 3,313 -47 3,000 46,388 14 5/30/23 4:44:57 PM
Hades 3,360 98 3,360 3,360 3,229 -47 3,300 54,900 17 6/7/23 9:31:09 AM
Ixion 3,675 710 4,200 3,675 3,838 -362 3,800 261,047 68 5/21/23 3:47:04 PM
Masamune 3,360 908 3,727 3,360 3,167 -47 3,450 342,090 108 4/13/23 2:58:34 PM
Pandaemonium 3,663 183 3,675 3,663 3,135 -350 2,999 241,433 77 5/2/23 1:50:12 AM
Titan 3,150 164 3,150 3,675 3,229 163 3,500 142,089 44 5/15/23 4:54:26 PM