Oriental Wood Bridge

Server: Chocobo

Last Updated: 6/23/23 4:50:05 PM
Search Category: Outdoor Furnishings | Item Category: Outdoor Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 57
More Information

Gathering info:

20 118,650 118,650 113,200 113,000 566,000 5 4.00

Level 60 Carpenter Recipe for Oriental Wood Bridge

Treated Camphorwood Lumber 6 1,995 11,970 6/17/21 5:53:12 PM
Ice Cluster 2 10 20 6/16/22 4:14:05 AM
Wind Cluster 3 135 405 6/21/23 6:52:10 AM
Granite 4 195 780 6/15/22 5:46:31 AM
Varnish 6 770 4,620 6/11/22 9:29:16 PM
Cobalt Nails 8 0 0 2/28/23 11:40:54 PM
Ancient Lumber 8 3,360 26,880 5/30/23 4:44:57 PM
Fieldcraft Demimateria II 4 1,574 6,296 2/28/23 10:50:23 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 50,971

Profit/Loss Normal = 62,029

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Ancient Lumber
Wind Cluster
Ice Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Chocobo Cross Server Data for Oriental Wood Bridge on Mana

Anima 204,703 3 0 204,703 193,567 -91,503 194,941 967,839 5 6/7/23 9:31:55 AM
Asura 189,000 8 0 189,000 182,250 -75,800 178,000 729,000 4 6/16/23 10:32:17 AM
Chocobo 118,650 20 0 118,650 113,200 -5,450 113,000 566,000 5 6/23/23 4:50:05 PM
Hades 145,950 17 0 145,950 135,022 -32,750 126,999 675,110 5 6/4/23 2:28:45 PM
Ixion 73,560 14 0 73,560 62,007 39,640 70,000 310,037 5 6/12/22 3:34:00 PM
Masamune 89,520 4 0 89,520 85,354 23,680 85,257 426,771 5 6/16/23 10:58:51 AM
Pandaemonium 75,598 6 0 75,598 0 0 0 0 0 6/12/22 2:55:52 PM
Titan 77,595 19 0 77,595 66,704 35,605 70,000 200,114 3 6/2/23 11:30:26 AM