Sharlayan Rock Salt

Server: Belias

Last Updated: 5/13/23 9:06:38 AM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

81 The Aesthete's Tholos, The Northern Empty Region: Labyrinthos

3021 163 163 150 154 61,998 412 7.30
81 Northern Sea Salt
90 Manderville's Adventurer Flakes

Current Prices

Price History

Belias Cross Server Data for Sharlayan Rock Salt on Meteor

Ramuh 104 3,504 0 104 109 46 112 30,970 283 4/30/23 12:46:50 PM
Unicorn 200 848 0 200 161 -50 190 63,140 390 5/15/23 5:26:45 AM
Valefor 158 814 0 158 91 -8 98 18,320 200 6/9/23 4:33:09 AM
Yojimbo 32 1,942 0 32 99 118 100 21,943 221 5/3/23 3:09:30 PM
Zeromus 136 3,508 0 136 118 14 99 90,506 764 6/11/22 3:22:24 AM
Belias 163 3,021 0 163 150 -13 154 61,998 412 5/13/23 9:06:38 AM
Mandragora 158 1,353 0 158 133 -8 180 88,330 661 6/11/22 2:54:01 AM
Shinryu 132 903 0 132 115 18 120 40,260 348 5/15/23 5:10:54 AM