Northern Sea Salt

Server: Belias

Last Updated: 6/11/22 10:37:15 PM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

941 425 683 425 435 410 104,920 241 3.90

Level 81 Culinarian Recipe for Northern Sea Salt

Sharlayan Rock Salt 6 163 978 5/13/23 9:06:38 AM
Fire Crystal 8 26 208 10/7/22 5:48:28 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,186

Profit/Loss Normal = -195

Profit/Loss HQ = -195

Current Prices

Price History

Belias Cross Server Data for Northern Sea Salt on Meteor

Ramuh 294 2,950 315 294 0 0 0 0 0 2/22/23 8:04:29 AM
Unicorn 247 3,640 572 247 450 188 550 382,871 849 6/14/22 6:48:41 PM
Valefor 294 3,674 315 294 396 141 280 140,982 356 6/14/22 6:38:21 PM
Yojimbo 210 595 893 210 440 225 950 93,761 213 2/21/23 11:13:23 PM
Zeromus 184 1,014 1,050 184 297 251 180 57,806 194 2/22/23 7:38:19 AM
Belias 425 941 683 425 435 10 410 104,920 241 6/11/22 10:37:15 PM
Mandragora 336 3,236 525 336 312 99 270 78,380 251 6/11/22 2:51:33 AM
Shinryu 215 1,038 1,050 215 696 220 2,000 64,090 92 2/20/23 1:51:33 PM