Magic Broom

Server: Zodiark

Last Updated: 2/26/23 7:22:56 AM
Search Category: Minions | Item Category: Minion | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

18 11,024 11,024 9,996 10,999 69,976 7 2.60

Level 50 Carpenter Recipe for Magic Broom

Wind Shard 99 66 6,534 2/28/23 1:03:25 PM
Rosewood Branch 1 44 44 9/8/22 8:54:22 PM
Ancient Lumber 1 4,000 4,000 10/25/23 9:23:20 AM
Glazenut 1 8,049 8,049 6/22/23 9:55:20 AM
Broombush 1 9,975 9,975 5/25/23 8:07:15 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 28,602

Profit/Loss Normal = -22,602

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Zodiark Cross Server Data for Magic Broom on Light

Lich 18,893 15 0 18,893 17,233 -8,897 17,000 258,495 15 6/16/22 8:36:52 AM
Odin 11,999 12 0 11,999 10,634 -2,003 11,900 212,699 20 10/18/23 6:15:37 PM
Phoenix 12,600 32 0 12,600 12,865 -2,604 12,000 102,927 8 2/26/23 1:57:13 PM
Shiva 7,340 33 0 7,340 6,105 2,656 6,989 54,951 9 2/19/23 7:05:52 AM
Zodiark 11,024 18 0 11,024 9,996 -1,028 10,999 69,976 7 2/26/23 7:22:56 AM
Twintania 20,999 18 0 20,999 10,476 -11,003 15,787 104,768 10 9/20/23 9:51:37 AM
Raiden 3,500 19 0 3,500 4,752 6,496 5,460 71,280 15 5/5/24 2:55:49 PM