Exarchic Choker of Slaying

Server: Zodiark

Last Updated: 2/21/23 7:15:21 PM
Search Category: Necklaces | Item Category: Necklace | Sell price to vendor: 296
More Information

Gathering info:

5 14,174 14,174 17,142 12,665 13,000 37,995 3 1.70

Level 80 Carpenter Recipe for Exarchic Choker of Slaying

Ice Cluster 3 7 21 10/10/22 9:00:10 AM
Wind Cluster 3 226 678 6/15/23 6:57:02 PM
Dwarven Mythril Nugget 1 1,145 1,145 10/7/23 7:57:20 PM
Levinstrike Aethersand 1 1,800 1,800 9/28/23 11:33:17 AM
Silver Beech Lumber 1 1,145 1,145 3/3/23 4:47:48 PM
Thylacoleo Leather 1 2,094 2,094 2/27/23 5:18:47 PM
Grade 4 Strength Alkahest 1 1,850 1,850 12/10/22 7:29:12 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 8,733

Profit/Loss Normal = 8,262

Profit/Loss HQ = 11,248

Desynthesizes into:

Wind Cluster
Ice Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Zodiark Cross Server Data for Exarchic Choker of Slaying on Light

Lich 89,249 3 94,499 89,249 0 0 0 0 0 3/26/23 1:59:11 PM
Odin 30,450 3 30,450 31,500 29,999 -17,785 30,000 119,996 4 5/31/23 8:16:30 AM
Phoenix 31,499 3 31,499 31,500 36,333 -18,834 50,000 108,999 3 5/1/23 10:59:17 PM
Shiva 31,998 7 119,990 31,998 18,441 -19,333 30,000 368,834 20 1/2/22 9:25:27 PM
Zodiark 14,174 5 14,174 17,142 12,665 -1,509 13,000 37,995 3 2/21/23 7:15:21 PM
Twintania 21,311 1 0 21,311 19,234 -8,646 20,296 96,171 5 6/24/23 2:26:38 AM
Alpha 39,899 3 39,899 0 19,233 -27,234 26,296 96,165 5 6/2/23 10:19:52 PM
Raiden 41,998 2 41,998 0 33,749 -29,333 35,000 134,999 4 6/17/23 10:42:33 PM