Bag of Booty

Server: Zodiark

Last Updated: 6/22/23 2:42:26 PM
Search Category: Tabletop | Item Category: Tabletop | Sell price to vendor: 30
More Information

Gathering info:

5 104,999 104,999 78,583 75,960 392,918 5 1.00

Level 64 Alchemist Recipe for Bag of Booty

Lightning Crystal 3 40 120 9/29/23 8:17:26 AM
Water Crystal 4 26 104 10/18/24 7:47:19 PM
Ruby Cotton Cloth 1 945 945 2/27/23 6:19:26 AM
Kudzu Thread 1 432 432 11/12/23 3:02:29 PM
Salvaged Coinage 2 2,625 5,250 2/27/23 12:41:01 PM
Natron 2 496 992 9/16/24 10:21:09 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 7,843

Profit/Loss Normal = 76,933

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Zodiark Cross Server Data for Bag of Booty on Light

Lich 70,870 19 0 70,870 0 0 0 0 0 5/9/23 6:47:32 PM
Odin 94,444 2 0 94,444 0 0 0 0 0 6/23/23 1:48:04 AM
Phoenix 209,990 6 0 209,990 149,991 -131,407 150,000 749,957 5 6/10/23 11:19:13 PM
Shiva 61,948 17 0 61,948 58,995 16,635 58,996 412,970 7 6/23/23 9:54:15 AM
Zodiark 104,999 5 0 104,999 78,583 -26,416 75,960 392,918 5 6/22/23 2:42:26 PM
Twintania 69,216 18 0 69,216 46,184 9,367 65,920 230,924 5 6/3/23 11:51:30 PM
Alpha 57,750 2 0 57,750 55,000 20,833 55,000 110,000 2 6/26/23 1:20:22 PM
Raiden 240,427 4 0 240,427 0 0 0 0 0 6/7/23 1:55:45 AM