Madman's Whispering Rod

Server: Zodiark

Last Updated: 5/17/23 3:27:41 AM
Search Category: Conjurer's Arms | Item Category: Twohanded Conjurer's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 118
More Information

Gathering info:

41 15,745 15,745 1,049,999,999 14,997 14,989 74,988 5 8.20

Level 50 Alchemist Recipe for Madman's Whispering Rod

Lightning Crystal 2 40 80 9/29/23 8:17:26 AM
Water Crystal 3 26 78 10/18/24 7:47:19 PM
Growth Formula Delta 1 945 945 5/15/23 9:31:30 AM
Thavnairian Mistletoe 1 82 82 2/19/23 6:09:18 AM
Vampire Plant 1 4 4 6/8/22 10:07:50 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,189

Profit/Loss Normal = 13,810

Profit/Loss HQ = 13,800

Current Prices

Price History

Zodiark Cross Server Data for Madman's Whispering Rod on Light

Lich 52,500 14 52,500 0 60,725 -37,503 58,750 303,629 5 5/8/23 5:52:42 PM
Odin 13,649 3 13,649 20,999 19,709 1,348 20,127 59,127 3 6/24/23 5:52:11 PM
Phoenix 15,634 12 15,634 0 14,888 -637 14,889 74,444 5 6/2/23 4:48:21 PM
Shiva 46,667 5 46,667 46,725 0 0 0 0 0 4/4/23 10:59:39 PM
Zodiark 15,745 41 15,745 1,049,999,999 14,997 -748 14,989 74,988 5 5/17/23 3:27:41 AM
Twintania 19,950 7 19,950 0 21,197 -4,953 18,999 105,985 5 6/12/23 11:44:16 AM
Alpha 26,669 6 26,669 0 25,937 -11,672 25,500 129,688 5 5/12/23 5:52:43 PM