Ash Composite Bow

Server: Zodiark

Last Updated: 1/3/22 11:27:05 AM
Search Category: Archer's Arms | Item Category: Archer's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 37
More Information

Gathering info:

17 150 4,028 150 3,802 37 64,644 17 1.00

Level 26 Carpenter Recipe for Ash Composite Bow

Ice Shard 2 95 190 2/26/23 8:31:59 PM
Wind Shard 2 66 132 2/28/23 1:03:25 PM
Animal Sinew 1 3 3 9/21/23 4:13:18 AM
Ash Lumber 3 104 312 6/14/23 1:59:51 PM
Antelope Horn 1 1,260 1,260 3/13/23 2:49:54 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,897

Profit/Loss Normal = -897

Profit/Loss HQ = -397

Desynthesizes into:

Battlecraft Demimateria I
Wind Shard
Ice Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Zodiark Cross Server Data for Ash Composite Bow on Light

Lich 64,950 2 64,950 0 13,544 -61,148 10,000 176,083 13 6/27/22 8:25:31 PM
Odin 3,000 6 4,200 3,000 4,379 802 3,000 70,076 16 7/23/21 7:31:06 PM
Phoenix 4,000 18 24,250 4,000 5,931 -198 24,000 88,978 15 1/3/22 4:15:08 PM
Shiva 7,800 33 10,000 7,800 8,850 -3,998 7,700 17,700 2 12/19/22 6:46:11 PM
Zodiark 150 17 4,028 150 3,802 3,652 37 64,644 17 1/3/22 11:27:05 AM
Twintania 3,000 19 3,000 3,400 4,714 802 4,000 75,424 16 1/1/22 4:29:26 AM