High Steel Guillotine

Server: Zodiark

Last Updated: 12/13/20 4:31:17 PM
Search Category: Dark Knight's Arms | Item Category: Dark Knight's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 546
More Information

Gathering info:

4 35,999 35,999 27,374 35,999 109,499 4 1.00

Level 61 Blacksmith Recipe for High Steel Guillotine

Earth Crystal 2 18 36 10/18/24 7:47:03 PM
Titanium Nugget 2 1,250 2,500 10/10/22 9:08:41 AM
Beech Lumber 1 1,488 1,488 6/14/24 11:20:51 AM
High Steel Nugget 3 245 735 9/11/23 11:04:30 AM
Gagana Leather 1 799 799 9/18/23 4:21:41 AM
Wing Glue 1 4 4 6/9/23 9:10:08 PM
Fire Crystal 3 38 114 10/31/24 5:16:58 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 5,676

Profit/Loss Normal = 14,324

Profit/Loss HQ = 94,323

Desynthesizes into:

Titanium Nugget
Fire Crystal
Earth Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Zodiark Cross Server Data for High Steel Guillotine on Light

Lich 8,400 12 8,400 0 8,051 18,974 8,350 40,255 5 11/5/21 12:05:23 AM
Odin 34,599 4 34,599 35,999 0 0 0 0 0 12/19/22 8:15:12 AM
Phoenix 28,997 3 28,997 30,000 12,012 -1,623 10,000 96,101 8 12/1/21 9:40:51 PM
Shiva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11/2/23 1:00:34 PM
Zodiark 35,999 4 35,999 0 27,374 -8,625 35,999 109,499 4 12/13/20 4:31:17 PM
Twintania 15,500 13 15,500 0 19,103 11,874 601 382,071 20 8/9/21 4:23:53 PM
Raiden 22,250 8 22,250 45,000 29,999 5,124 40,000 89,999 3 12/21/22 8:53:08 PM