Edge of the Fiend

Server: Zodiark

Last Updated: 10/7/21 1:32:48 PM
Search Category: Dark Knight's Arms | Item Category: Dark Knight's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 385
More Information

Gathering info:

6 59,998 59,998 58,884 58,424 294,422 5 1.20

Level 60 Blacksmith Recipe for Edge of the Fiend

Fiend Sap 1 977 977 6/22/23 1:50:29 AM
Fire Cluster 3 89 267 9/7/23 8:09:27 PM
High Mythrite Ingot 3 3,969 11,907 2/1/25 6:26:04 PM
Eikon Iron Ingot 1 340 340 9/14/23 7:58:38 PM
Eikon Leather 1 699 699 11/12/23 3:02:42 PM
Earth Cluster 2 29 58 9/7/23 8:10:00 PM
Battlecraft Demimateria III 5 494 2,470 11/6/24 7:16:50 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 16,718

Profit/Loss Normal = 0

Profit/Loss HQ = 9,777

Current Prices

Price History

Zodiark Cross Server Data for Edge of the Fiend on Light

Lich 31,448 7 31,448 0 29,750 27,436 29,750 59,500 2 6/16/22 8:38:07 AM
Odin 19,842 7 19,842 0 18,000 39,042 18,000 18,000 1 6/15/23 10:24:55 PM
Phoenix 9,997 10 9,997 0 26,619 48,887 29,958 79,857 3 6/1/22 6:03:25 PM
Shiva 73,457 17 73,457 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/16/22 7:46:01 AM
Zodiark 59,998 6 59,998 0 58,884 -1,114 58,424 294,422 5 10/7/21 1:32:48 PM
Twintania 70,000 6 70,000 0 69,578 -11,116 69,578 69,578 1 1/10/22 6:58:49 PM
Alpha 357,447 1 357,447 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/18/23 6:34:07 PM
Raiden 33,600 8 33,600 0 32,000 25,284 32,000 32,000 1 6/8/23 2:49:39 PM