Combed Wool Rug

Server: Zodiark

Last Updated: 2/24/23 10:55:39 AM
Search Category: Rugs | Item Category: Rug | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

100 47,224 47,224 50,866 40,000 1,475,120 29 3.40

Level 50 Weaver Recipe for Combed Wool Rug

Wind Crystal 2 51 102 10/18/24 7:46:56 PM
Lightning Crystal 3 40 120 9/29/23 8:17:26 AM
Wool Top 2 60 120 2/26/23 11:27:48 PM
Woolen Yarn 8 943 7,544 2/28/23 12:55:51 PM
Jute Yarn 2 17,850 35,700 6/22/23 8:57:42 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 43,586

Profit/Loss Normal = -39,586

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Zodiark Cross Server Data for Combed Wool Rug on Light

Lich 11,888 100 0 11,888 9,809 38,978 11,887 196,197 20 7/1/23 7:16:45 PM
Odin 20,082 100 0 20,082 34,355 30,784 37,994 584,051 17 3/3/23 12:55:54 PM
Phoenix 47,075 87 0 47,075 48,575 3,791 44,848 1,991,591 41 3/1/23 8:43:55 PM
Shiva 4,790 100 0 4,790 4,774 46,076 4,850 95,492 20 5/30/23 8:45:14 AM
Zodiark 47,224 100 0 47,224 50,866 3,642 40,000 1,475,120 29 2/24/23 10:55:39 AM
Twintania 17,999 100 0 17,999 18,702 32,867 18,150 374,042 20 1/8/23 1:21:13 AM
Alpha 9,449 89 0 9,449 9,216 41,417 9,800 55,300 6 9/13/23 11:49:57 AM
Raiden 4,724 96 0 4,724 8,225 46,142 4,499 82,257 10 10/6/23 3:58:36 AM