Eikon Iron Grinding Wheel

Server: Zodiark

Last Updated: 7/31/21 12:06:07 AM
Search Category: Goldsmith's Tools | Item Category: Goldsmith's Secondary Tool | Sell price to vendor: 417
More Information

Gathering info:

1 400,459 400,459 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 60 Carpenter Recipe for Eikon Iron Grinding Wheel

Eikon Iron Ingot 1 340 340 9/14/23 7:58:38 PM
Treated Camphorwood Lumber 2 4,724 9,448 3/10/23 10:59:58 AM
Ice Cluster 2 7 14 10/10/22 9:00:10 AM
Luminous Fiber 3 4,899 14,697 6/14/24 11:14:44 AM
Wind Cluster 3 226 678 6/15/23 6:57:02 PM
Gold Ingot 1 92 92 9/18/23 4:29:00 AM
Wolfram Ingot 1 3,443 3,443 11/12/23 3:02:00 PM
Mastercraft Demimateria 1 10,000 10,000 10/31/24 5:32:17 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 38,712

Profit/Loss Normal = 27,953

Profit/Loss HQ = 85,547

Current Prices

Price History

Zodiark Cross Server Data for Eikon Iron Grinding Wheel on Light

Lich 299,999 1 299,999 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/26/23 4:09:40 PM
Odin 255,634 1 255,634 0 94,999 -255,634 90,000 379,997 4 6/5/21 2:59:39 PM
Phoenix 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/26/21 8:11:44 PM
Shiva 189,999 2 189,999 0 189,999 -189,999 189,999 759,996 4 10/8/21 5:25:08 PM
Zodiark 400,459 1 400,459 0 0 0 0 0 0 7/31/21 12:06:07 AM
Twintania 99,459 2 99,459 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/24/22 1:53:39 PM
Alpha 362,250 1 362,250 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/1/23 4:53:04 AM