Dhalmelskin Thighboots

Server: Zodiark

Last Updated: 4/25/23 8:56:42 PM
Search Category: Feet | Item Category: Feet | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

4 31,502 31,502 34,650 19,950 9,900 39,901 2 2.00

Level 55 Leatherworker Recipe for Dhalmelskin Thighboots

Wind Crystal 4 51 204 10/18/24 7:46:56 PM
Earth Crystal 4 18 72 10/18/24 7:47:03 PM
Dhalmel Leather 2 2,324 4,648 2/24/23 5:58:14 PM
Ramie Thread 1 10,500 10,500 2/21/23 3:15:00 AM
Rubber 1 35 35 2/28/23 12:46:03 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 15,459

Profit/Loss Normal = 16,516

Profit/Loss HQ = 5,541

Desynthesizes into:

Dhalmel Leather
Earth Crystal
Wind Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Zodiark Cross Server Data for Dhalmelskin Thighboots on Light

Lich 14,189 13 114,450 14,189 13,513 5,761 13,513 13,513 1 6/11/23 2:58:06 AM
Odin 23,625 2 0 23,625 15,144 -3,675 7,300 30,289 2 2/25/23 8:06:31 AM
Phoenix 3,150 9 0 3,150 3,095 16,800 2,990 12,380 4 4/30/23 12:26:16 AM
Shiva 21,000 16 29,990 21,000 21,000 -1,050 20,001 42,000 2 12/9/21 1:59:04 AM
Zodiark 31,502 4 31,502 34,650 19,950 -11,552 9,900 39,901 2 4/25/23 8:56:42 PM
Twintania 14,677 14 113,400 14,677 0 0 0 0 0 3/24/23 1:54:46 AM
Alpha 78,225 3 78,225 78,698 74,500 -58,275 74,500 74,500 1 6/21/23 10:50:45 PM
Raiden 35,698 12 113,400 35,698 32,666 -15,748 33,000 97,999 3 6/22/23 8:59:23 AM