Cloud Cloth

Server: Zodiark

Last Updated: 4/22/23 10:09:56 AM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

91 198 198 210 190 150 4,563 24 3.80

Level 60 Weaver Recipe for Cloud Cloth

Ramie Thread 1 10,500 10,500 2/21/23 3:15:00 AM
Cloud Cotton Boll 2 399 798 1/25/21 8:50:16 PM
Wind Cluster 1 226 226 6/15/23 6:57:02 PM
Lightning Cluster 2 86 172 11/25/22 10:29:19 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 11,696

Profit/Loss Normal = -10,996

Profit/Loss HQ = -10,506

Current Prices

Price History

Zodiark Cross Server Data for Cloud Cloth on Light

Lich 284 58 284 289 288 -94 288 288 1 4/20/23 5:31:53 PM
Odin 1,049 144 1,053 1,049 1,689 -859 1,689 1,689 1 6/15/23 7:44:18 PM
Phoenix 314 31 314 343 316 -124 300 1,898 6 4/29/23 10:24:16 PM
Shiva 587 35 587 1,469 253 -397 1,090 3,291 13 6/11/23 10:19:01 AM
Zodiark 198 91 198 210 190 -8 150 4,563 24 4/22/23 10:09:56 AM
Twintania 280 41 380 280 354 -90 298 5,324 15 2/5/22 10:10:10 AM
Alpha 209 31 209 210 845 -19 888 5,074 6 6/22/23 6:41:50 AM
Raiden 1,536 31 1,538 1,536 0 0 0 0 0 5/20/23 6:23:54 PM