Astral Silk Doublet of Casting

Server: Zodiark

Last Updated: 11/26/21 12:19:34 PM
Search Category: Body | Item Category: Body | Sell price to vendor: 353
More Information

Gathering info:

18 2,500 2,700 2,500 3,642 3,000 14,568 4 4.50

Level 60 Weaver Recipe for Astral Silk Doublet of Casting

Aurum Regis Ingot 1 112 112 9/29/23 12:23:57 PM
Chimerical Felt 1 1,099 1,099 9/17/23 6:08:24 PM
Astral Silk 3 2 6 9/22/23 4:57:04 AM
Crawler Silk 1 890 890 9/5/23 10:47:36 AM
Grade 2 Intelligence Dissolvent 2 525 1,050 6/10/22 5:39:08 PM
Landborne Aethersand 3 131 393 3/27/23 8:59:20 AM
Wind Cluster 2 226 452 6/15/23 6:57:02 PM
Lightning Cluster 2 86 172 11/25/22 10:29:19 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,174

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,821

Profit/Loss HQ = -1,175

Desynthesizes into:

Crawler Silk
Lightning Cluster
Wind Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Zodiark Cross Server Data for Astral Silk Doublet of Casting on Light

Lich 899 18 899 1,500 1,698 2,743 1,600 3,397 2 12/7/21 1:13:19 PM
Odin 6,276 11 6,276 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/11/23 4:47:26 PM
Phoenix 47,250 5 47,250 52,500 5,000 -43,608 5,000 5,000 1 4/17/23 2:14:19 PM
Shiva 2,789 28 2,789 2,994 2,992 853 2,992 2,992 1 2/15/22 6:05:08 PM
Zodiark 2,500 18 2,700 2,500 3,642 1,142 3,000 14,568 4 11/26/21 12:19:34 PM
Twintania 2,199 16 2,199 2,500 3,024 1,443 3,000 24,196 8 11/20/21 6:58:56 PM
Raiden 105,000 1 0 105,000 8,000 -101,358 8,000 8,000 1 5/11/23 5:48:26 PM