Titanium Cuirass of Fending

Server: Zodiark

Last Updated: 4/1/23 11:36:41 PM
Search Category: Body | Item Category: Body | Sell price to vendor: 273
More Information

Gathering info:

3 23,999 23,999 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 57 Armorer Recipe for Titanium Cuirass of Fending

Earth Crystal 4 18 72 10/18/24 7:47:03 PM
Hardsilver Ingot 1 599 599 9/17/23 9:19:13 AM
Titanium Ingot 3 3,464 10,392 9/12/23 4:38:36 PM
Dragon Leather 1 2,279 2,279 9/12/23 11:41:24 PM
Grade 1 Vitality Dissolvent 2 3,148 6,296 6/9/23 7:45:28 AM
Ice Crystal 5 19 95 9/22/23 7:28:38 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 19,733

Profit/Loss Normal = -4,733

Profit/Loss HQ = 100,567

Current Prices

Price History

Zodiark Cross Server Data for Titanium Cuirass of Fending on Light

Lich 6,825 7 6,825 0 14,666 -6,825 14,000 43,999 3 4/14/23 9:55:45 AM
Odin 18,000 6 19,999 18,000 18,830 -18,000 23,000 244,799 13 11/14/21 4:50:22 PM
Phoenix 20,999 6 20,999 0 39,349 -20,999 20,000 157,399 4 2/25/23 8:55:06 AM
Shiva 7,139 6 7,139 0 12,999 -7,139 4,999 25,999 2 6/9/22 7:17:22 AM
Zodiark 23,999 3 23,999 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/1/23 11:36:41 PM
Twintania 6,617 8 6,617 10,494 20,000 -6,617 20,000 40,000 2 5/6/23 8:55:51 AM
Raiden 12,285 8 12,285 20,766 12,260 -12,285 10,000 61,300 5 4/23/23 10:55:11 PM