Pumpkin Ratatouille

Server: Zeromus

Last Updated: 8/10/22 6:13:59 AM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 30
More Information

Gathering info:

2508 940 940 947 900 415,994 439 5.70

Level 90 Culinarian Recipe for Pumpkin Ratatouille

Fire Cluster 3 138 414 10/7/22 5:47:11 PM
Water Cluster 3 53 159 2/26/23 2:30:29 PM
Blood Tomato 1 189 189 6/14/22 5:46:59 PM
Perilla Oil 2 284 568 6/14/22 1:34:08 PM
Cucumber 1 158 158 6/11/22 3:30:13 PM
Giant Pumpkin 1 420 420 6/16/22 2:28:39 AM
Potent Spice 1 261 261 3/14/23 2:02:16 PM
Garlean Garlic 1 84 84 6/14/22 5:09:25 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,253

Profit/Loss Normal = -51

Profit/Loss HQ = 149

Current Prices

Price History

Zeromus Cross Server Data for Pumpkin Ratatouille on Meteor

Ramuh 662 380 1,820 662 1,321 285 1,933 825,857 625 6/16/22 8:50:06 AM
Unicorn 735 1,488 1,155 735 1,245 212 1,030 544,480 437 6/16/22 8:25:20 AM
Valefor 1,995 356 1,995 0 1,327 -1,048 2,000 1,527,198 1,150 6/16/22 8:13:50 AM
Yojimbo 100 748 113 100 413 847 133 204,919 495 9/24/22 12:13:44 AM
Zeromus 940 2,508 940 0 947 7 900 415,994 439 8/10/22 6:13:59 AM
Belias 1,066 5,323 1,066 0 1,072 -119 1,020 1,571,811 1,466 6/16/22 5:33:03 AM
Mandragora 263 624 420 263 417 684 433 37,991 91 2/13/23 9:22:25 AM
Shinryu 840 2,837 1,134 840 1,210 107 1,120 919,990 760 6/16/22 1:18:28 AM