Camphorwood Log

Server: Zeromus

Last Updated: 7/12/22 12:39:10 PM
Search Category: Lumber | Item Category: Lumber | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

60 Eil Tohm, Dravania Region: The Churning Mists
60 Eil Tohm, Dravania Region: The Churning Mists

50 80 80 30 80 4,947 160 0.30
60 Camphorwood Lumber

Current Prices

Price History

Zeromus Cross Server Data for Camphorwood Log on Meteor

Ramuh 2 341 3 2 8 28 10 68 8 10/30/21 2:54:14 AM
Unicorn 50 204 90 50 83 -20 83 4,316 52 1/31/21 4:39:54 AM
Valefor 140 47 230 140 138 -110 300 5,409 39 10/30/20 10:39:30 AM
Zeromus 80 50 0 80 30 -50 80 4,947 160 7/12/22 12:39:10 PM
Mandragora 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/25/18 4:54:53 PM
Shinryu 150 743 180 150 200 -120 200 400 2 1/21/19 11:23:27 AM