Enchanted Mythril Ink

Server: Zalera

Last Updated: 6/10/23 11:56:46 AM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

250 105 263 105 98 100 5,838 59 4.20

Level 33 Alchemist Recipe for Enchanted Mythril Ink

Mythril Sand 2 2 4 4/17/23 3:54:41 AM
Scalekin Blood 1 249 249 5/7/23 8:15:58 PM
Water Shard 4 67 268 11/9/24 11:57:47 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 521

Profit/Loss Normal = -346

Profit/Loss HQ = -331

Current Prices

Price History

Zalera Cross Server Data for Enchanted Mythril Ink on Crystal

Balmung 418 43 525 418 97 -320 100 876 9 6/23/23 10:04:42 PM
Coeurl 146 111 147 146 56 -48 300 3,710 66 6/7/23 1:44:07 AM
Goblin 100 19 100 198 205 -2 450 3,295 16 6/23/23 11:55:32 AM
Zalera 105 250 263 105 98 -7 100 5,838 59 6/10/23 11:56:46 AM
Brynhildr 70 151 89 70 66 28 90 1,124 17 6/10/24 2:26:49 AM
Diabolos 37 620 105 37 39 61 50 277 7 6/18/23 12:40:57 AM
Malboro 125 632 125 125 149 -27 134 1,647 11 2/10/25 6:56:40 AM
Mateus 155 93 303 155 107 -57 139 644 6 6/11/23 4:53:15 PM