Mulled Tea

Server: Zalera

Last Updated: 2/25/23 1:24:29 PM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 5
More Information

Gathering info:

38 210 3,150 210 183 949 61,938 337 0.10

Level 47 Culinarian Recipe for Mulled Tea

Fire Shard 6 53 318 11/9/24 11:58:25 AM
Mineral Water 1 189 189 6/1/24 6:19:20 PM
Cinnamon 1 314 314 3/1/23 6:33:48 AM
Cloves 1 158 158 5/30/23 5:25:00 AM
Pearl Ginger 1 184 184 3/1/23 7:37:25 AM
Thanalan Tea Leaves 1 30 30 3/1/23 6:27:07 AM
Water Shard 5 67 335 11/9/24 11:57:47 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,528

Profit/Loss Normal = 440

Profit/Loss HQ = -20

50 Oasis Breakfast

Current Prices

Price History

Zalera Cross Server Data for Mulled Tea on Crystal

Balmung 90 424 990 90 510 93 85 82,749 162 1/29/23 9:42:14 PM
Coeurl 63 260 158 63 174 120 150 21,124 121 6/2/23 1:13:48 AM
Goblin 1,050 4 0 1,050 990 -867 998 13,864 14 5/30/23 1:49:21 AM
Zalera 210 38 3,150 210 183 -27 949 61,938 337 2/25/23 1:24:29 PM
Brynhildr 600 717 2,200 600 597 -417 1,470 77,678 130 10/17/23 4:53:25 AM
Diabolos 244 73 400 244 399 -61 249 6,790 17 10/23/24 1:40:00 AM
Malboro 35 343 1,696 35 2,051 148 5 26,675 13 3/12/25 4:56:35 PM
Mateus 200 291 0 200 0 0 0 0 0 4/2/23 10:37:19 PM