Growth Formula Delta Concentrate

Server: Yojimbo

Last Updated: 5/18/23 12:12:47 PM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

32 3,570 3,854 3,570 5,421 3,800 92,162 17 1.90

Level 50 Alchemist Recipe for Growth Formula Delta Concentrate

Water Cluster 1 51 51 7/4/23 10:39:11 PM
Quicksilver 1 105 105 6/7/22 8:26:00 PM
Lime Sulphur 9 200 1,800 3/12/23 11:26:34 AM
Rock Salt 1 100 100 10/27/22 9:59:29 PM
Trillium Bulb 1 241 241 9/20/22 2:52:54 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,297

Profit/Loss Normal = 705

Profit/Loss HQ = 1,503

50 Suspended Trillium Flower
50 Potted Umbrella Fig
50 Wild Banana Tree
50 Pendant Lamp Planter

Current Prices

Price History

Yojimbo Cross Server Data for Growth Formula Delta Concentrate on Meteor

Ramuh 10,000 24 15,000 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 11/15/19 2:07:48 PM
Unicorn 4,000 69 10,999 4,000 6,557 1,421 4,400 203,292 31 2/21/22 5:33:05 PM
Valefor 3,570 18 5,229 3,570 2,698 1,851 3,000 13,492 5 4/24/23 9:09:13 AM
Yojimbo 3,570 32 3,854 3,570 5,421 1,851 3,800 92,162 17 5/18/23 12:12:47 PM
Zeromus 6,195 114 6,195 7,350 0 0 0 0 0 3/24/23 3:01:30 PM
Belias 8,400 69 8,400 8,400 0 0 0 0 0 6/15/21 12:39:05 AM
Mandragora 3,045 152 3,255 3,045 4,040 2,376 3,800 20,200 5 4/18/23 4:00:04 PM
Shinryu 4,179 24 8,400 4,179 0 0 0 0 0 6/26/21 7:36:22 PM