
Server: Yojimbo

Last Updated: 10/15/22 3:16:54 PM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 7
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Gathering info:

515 7 208 7 107 208 16,202 151 3.40

Level 35 Alchemist Recipe for Hi-Ether

Distilled Water 1 74 74 6/5/21 11:56:13 AM
Matron's Mistletoe 1 199 199 9/20/22 2:14:03 PM
Mandrake 1 10 10 9/20/22 2:23:22 PM
Lightning Shard 3 27 81 2/14/23 10:24:02 PM
Water Shard 4 30 120 7/4/23 10:39:35 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 484

Profit/Loss Normal = -154

Profit/Loss HQ = 139

Current Prices

Price History

Yojimbo Cross Server Data for Hi-Ether on Meteor

Ramuh 8 244 210 8 259 99 300 11,146 43 6/15/22 1:44:34 PM
Unicorn 8 415 126 8 85 99 120 851 10 6/15/22 1:23:15 PM
Valefor 6 674 6 6 141 101 200 1,415 10 6/15/22 1:12:49 PM
Yojimbo 7 515 208 7 107 100 208 16,202 151 10/15/22 3:16:54 PM
Zeromus 8 304 525 8 247 99 800 3,470 14 6/15/22 12:24:26 PM
Belias 8 145 525 8 347 99 6 3,124 9 6/15/22 3:09:40 PM
Mandragora 8 287 368 8 0 0 0 0 0 5/12/21 12:29:50 PM
Shinryu 6 110 2,100 6 222 101 8 7,329 33 6/14/22 8:51:24 PM