Leafy Ceiling Lamp

Server: Yojimbo

Last Updated: 6/14/22 12:12:21 PM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Ceiling Light | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

62 1,943 1,943 2,357 1,849 28,289 12 5.20

Level 86 Alchemist Recipe for Leafy Ceiling Lamp

Lightning Crystal 8 19 152 7/4/23 10:32:56 PM
Water Crystal 8 32 256 2/28/23 6:56:50 AM
Starch Glue 2 1,050 2,100 10/6/23 1:54:39 PM
Growth Formula Kappa 2 730 1,460 12/30/22 1:28:56 AM
Ironwood Lumber 6 1,000 6,000 4/22/23 7:56:36 PM
Shroud Seedling 3 100 300 12/8/22 3:07:11 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 10,268

Profit/Loss Normal = -8,768

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Yojimbo Cross Server Data for Leafy Ceiling Lamp on Meteor

Ramuh 2,468 54 0 2,468 2,594 -111 2,200 12,972 5 6/15/22 1:44:40 PM
Unicorn 3,675 58 0 3,675 2,803 -1,318 3,500 28,033 10 6/15/22 1:23:28 PM
Valefor 1,995 38 0 1,995 2,018 362 1,800 20,180 10 6/15/22 1:13:02 PM
Yojimbo 1,943 62 0 1,943 2,357 414 1,849 28,289 12 6/14/22 12:12:21 PM
Zeromus 840 67 0 840 1,759 1,517 550 26,399 15 6/15/22 12:24:40 PM
Belias 2,153 39 0 2,153 1,260 204 2,000 6,300 5 6/15/22 3:09:48 PM
Mandragora 1,995 54 0 1,995 2,089 362 2,200 18,806 9 6/14/22 1:07:43 PM
Shinryu 2,520 31 0 2,520 2,201 -163 2,400 22,018 10 6/14/22 12:46:58 PM