Iridescent Silk

Server: Yojimbo

Last Updated: 5/10/23 2:12:02 PM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

58 480 1,980 480 486 500 29,686 61 1.00

Level 72 Weaver Recipe for Iridescent Silk

Lightning Crystal 3 19 57 7/4/23 10:32:56 PM
Iridescent Silk Thread 3 83 249 6/10/22 2:20:59 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 306

Profit/Loss Normal = 174

Profit/Loss HQ = 694

Current Prices

Price History

Yojimbo Cross Server Data for Iridescent Silk on Meteor

Ramuh 945 213 945 945 899 -459 899 25,198 28 6/8/22 9:15:12 PM
Unicorn 1,050 157 1,995 1,050 951 -564 999 5,709 6 6/8/22 8:44:11 PM
Valefor 945 202 1,365 945 1,009 -459 1,500 13,120 13 6/8/22 8:29:47 PM
Yojimbo 480 58 1,980 480 486 6 500 29,686 61 5/10/23 2:12:02 PM
Zeromus 650 99 800 650 678 -164 700 40,047 59 7/12/22 12:46:29 PM
Belias 735 253 2,098 735 410 -249 450 5,342 13 6/8/22 11:20:38 PM
Mandragora 882 283 1,050 882 0 0 0 0 0 6/11/22 7:21:23 PM
Shinryu 740 282 998 740 1,362 -254 700 28,604 21 6/11/22 6:51:17 PM