Orchestrion Phonograph

Server: Valefor

Last Updated: 6/14/22 11:45:51 PM
Search Category: Tabletop | Item Category: Tabletop | Sell price to vendor: 856
More Information

Gathering info:

13 143,850 143,850 139,200 137,000 696,000 5 2.60

Level 86 Blacksmith Recipe for Orchestrion Phonograph

Earth Crystal 8 32 256 2/28/23 2:12:36 PM
Bismuth Ingot 2 1,040 2,080 3/4/23 11:50:11 AM
Manganese Ingot 2 900 1,800 7/23/22 2:57:51 PM
Phrygian Gold Ingot 2 735 1,470 3/1/23 6:56:57 PM
Phonograph Plate 1 99,000 99,000 7/23/22 2:58:45 PM
Fire Crystal 8 22 176 10/7/22 6:01:37 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 104,782

Profit/Loss Normal = 62,868

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Valefor Cross Server Data for Orchestrion Phonograph on Meteor

Ramuh 126,000 6 0 126,000 102,018 13,200 120,000 510,090 5 6/15/22 2:07:15 AM
Unicorn 136,500 7 0 136,500 132,600 2,700 130,000 663,000 5 6/15/22 12:36:38 AM
Valefor 143,850 13 0 143,850 139,200 -4,650 137,000 696,000 5 6/14/22 11:45:51 PM
Yojimbo 116,666 6 0 116,666 101,221 22,534 111,110 506,109 5 6/7/22 8:26:01 PM
Zeromus 126,000 12 0 126,000 121,600 13,200 120,000 608,000 5 6/7/22 10:17:11 PM
Belias 189,000 7 0 189,000 174,200 -49,800 178,000 871,000 5 6/15/22 3:10:33 PM
Mandragora 112,340 12 0 112,340 104,800 26,860 106,000 524,000 5 6/7/22 9:40:12 PM
Shinryu 210,000 15 0 210,000 215,800 -70,800 209,000 1,079,000 5 6/7/22 9:07:08 PM