Tier 3 Aquarium

Server: Valefor

Last Updated: 6/5/21 6:45:08 AM
Search Category: Tabletop | Item Category: Tabletop | Sell price to vendor: 856
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Gathering info:

7 115,499 115,499 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 60 Carpenter Recipe for Tier 3 Aquarium

Hardsilver Ingot 4 2,100 8,400 2/24/23 10:32:16 AM
Astral Birch Lumber 5 3,148 15,740 6/14/22 1:54:11 AM
Ice Cluster 2 16 32 6/16/22 3:24:49 AM
Wind Cluster 2 157 314 9/12/23 4:57:17 PM
Tempered Glass 1 14,690 14,690 6/16/22 3:21:39 AM
Astral Moraine 4 800 3,200 7/23/22 2:29:12 PM
Petrified Log 1 1,995 1,995 6/12/22 4:56:25 PM
Terminus Putty 2 1,575 3,150 6/14/22 6:35:12 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 47,521

Profit/Loss Normal = 62,478

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Valefor Cross Server Data for Tier 3 Aquarium on Meteor

Ramuh 128,100 10 0 128,100 0 0 0 0 0 6/5/21 7:58:56 AM
Unicorn 155,400 6 0 155,400 0 0 0 0 0 6/5/21 7:18:02 AM
Valefor 115,499 7 0 115,499 0 0 0 0 0 6/5/21 6:45:08 AM
Yojimbo 69,300 6 0 69,300 0 0 0 0 0 6/11/22 2:02:05 AM
Belias 84,000 1 0 84,000 0 0 0 0 0 6/5/21 7:06:20 AM
Mandragora 101,850 12 0 101,850 0 0 0 0 0 6/11/22 2:50:57 AM
Shinryu 58,800 4 0 58,800 0 0 0 0 0 6/11/22 2:31:13 AM