Hollandaise Sauce

Server: Valefor

Last Updated: 6/14/22 10:12:43 AM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

77 1,050 1,260 1,050 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 55 Culinarian Recipe for Hollandaise Sauce

Gastornis Egg 1 21 21 2/27/23 9:54:52 AM
Heavens Lemon 1 96 96 6/11/22 12:17:02 PM
Fermented Butter 1 620 620 6/11/22 8:43:01 PM
Fire Shard 7 33 231 2/28/23 10:58:39 PM
Black Pepper 1 11 11 5/29/21 5:23:42 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 979

Profit/Loss Normal = 1,573

Profit/Loss HQ = 3,174

57 Royal Eggs
60 Stuffed Chysahl
78 Berube Feed
78 Berube Feed
56 Rarefied Royal Eggs

Current Prices

Price History

Valefor Cross Server Data for Hollandaise Sauce on Meteor

Ramuh 2,205 69 2,205 3,150 2,361 -2,205 2,003 28,342 12 6/14/22 10:43:49 AM
Unicorn 1,260 322 2,310 1,260 1,935 -1,260 2,003 25,158 13 6/14/22 10:21:40 AM
Valefor 1,050 77 1,260 1,050 0 0 0 0 0 6/14/22 10:12:43 AM
Yojimbo 1,900 38 1,900 2,000 2,464 -1,900 2,000 96,100 39 11/24/22 8:28:15 PM
Zeromus 1,155 137 1,155 2,415 1,081 -1,155 1,100 23,800 22 2/26/23 2:48:44 AM
Belias 3,045 34 3,045 0 3,246 -3,045 2,900 48,700 15 2/21/23 9:10:10 PM
Mandragora 2,835 84 2,835 3,885 0 0 0 0 0 6/17/21 8:48:24 AM
Shinryu 2,730 32 2,730 0 2,679 -2,730 3,000 128,600 48 6/17/21 8:07:23 AM