Cloud Mica Whetstone

Server: Valefor

Last Updated: 7/23/22 2:30:12 PM
Search Category: Stone | Item Category: Stone | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

589 400 900 400 619 1,000 92,950 150 3.90

Level 56 Goldsmith Recipe for Cloud Mica Whetstone

Wind Crystal 5 40 200 2/13/23 5:42:52 AM
Cloud Mica 3 202 606 2/25/23 8:02:38 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 806

Profit/Loss Normal = 194

Profit/Loss HQ = 196

Current Prices

Price History

Valefor Cross Server Data for Cloud Mica Whetstone on Meteor

Ramuh 840 39 840 840 887 -221 1,000 10,650 12 6/14/22 7:10:08 PM
Unicorn 2,048 164 2,100 2,048 1,975 -1,429 2,000 15,803 8 6/14/22 6:48:18 PM
Valefor 400 589 900 400 619 219 1,000 92,950 150 7/23/22 2:30:12 PM
Yojimbo 450 422 0 450 411 169 400 92,681 225 12/1/22 10:48:14 PM
Zeromus 525 279 840 525 490 94 490 42,200 86 6/14/22 5:48:54 PM
Belias 945 321 945 1,050 670 -326 870 38,210 57 6/8/22 10:57:37 AM
Mandragora 704 1,404 725 704 0 0 0 0 0 6/14/22 5:17:49 PM
Shinryu 630 549 924 630 604 -11 1,000 39,290 65 6/14/22 12:45:14 PM