Wind-up Aldgoat

Server: Unicorn

Last Updated: 6/12/22 5:03:57 PM
Search Category: Minions | Item Category: Minion | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

19 14,595 14,595 12,278 13,000 61,393 5 3.80

Level 50 Weaver Recipe for Wind-up Aldgoat

Vanya Silk 1 950 950 6/18/22 3:16:45 PM
Silk Thread 1 789 789 6/10/22 12:17:36 PM
Chocobo Feather 1 210 210 6/15/22 6:46:12 AM
Lightning Shard 99 26 2,574 7/27/22 5:31:18 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,523

Profit/Loss Normal = -3,123

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Unicorn Cross Server Data for Wind-up Aldgoat on Meteor

Ramuh 8,190 18 0 8,190 11,482 4,088 7,500 57,410 5 6/9/22 7:34:58 PM
Unicorn 14,595 19 0 14,595 12,278 -2,317 13,000 61,393 5 6/12/22 5:03:57 PM
Valefor 10,500 10 0 10,500 0 0 0 0 0 6/12/22 4:52:48 PM
Yojimbo 10,038 19 0 10,038 0 0 0 0 0 6/12/22 2:34:16 PM
Zeromus 8,400 18 0 8,400 8,258 3,878 7,800 49,549 6 6/12/22 4:06:19 PM
Belias 20,013 3 0 20,013 0 0 0 0 0 6/18/21 2:49:40 AM
Mandragora 12,075 20 0 12,075 11,742 203 11,490 46,970 4 6/12/22 3:36:34 PM
Shinryu 10,500 29 0 10,500 12,132 1,778 10,000 60,660 5 6/12/22 3:10:43 PM