Horse Chestnut Lumber

Server: Unicorn

Last Updated: 2/25/23 10:31:45 PM
Search Category: Lumber | Item Category: Lumber | Sell price to vendor: 12
More Information

Gathering info:

212 315 315 315 416 300 3,745 9 23.60

Level 81 Carpenter Recipe for Horse Chestnut Lumber

Wind Crystal 8 40 320 2/13/23 5:51:24 AM
Horse Chestnut Log 5 6 30 6/6/23 1:47:59 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 350

Profit/Loss Normal = -90

Profit/Loss HQ = -200

Current Prices

Price History

Unicorn Cross Server Data for Horse Chestnut Lumber on Meteor

Ramuh 1,050 366 1,365 1,050 0 0 0 0 0 2/22/23 9:24:48 PM
Unicorn 315 212 315 315 416 101 300 3,745 9 2/25/23 10:31:45 PM
Valefor 420 163 2,100 420 337 -4 400 13,519 40 2/22/23 4:52:06 PM
Yojimbo 312 246 1,500 312 597 104 500 99,183 166 5/22/23 10:20:27 PM
Zeromus 399 66 419 399 1,363 17 500 35,447 26 10/2/23 1:47:55 PM
Belias 945 88 2,100 945 0 0 0 0 0 7/16/23 1:30:52 PM
Mandragora 735 471 819 735 810 -319 800 12,160 15 2/20/23 10:52:06 AM
Shinryu 420 225 1,050 420 581 -4 900 20,337 35 6/11/22 11:16:30 PM