Grade 6 Tincture of Strength

Server: Unicorn

Last Updated: 5/18/23 3:46:20 PM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 95
More Information

Gathering info:

36 315 315 905 1,000 96,000 106 0.30

Level 90 Alchemist Recipe for Grade 6 Tincture of Strength

Lightning Cluster 3 28 84 10/26/24 4:53:32 AM
Water Cluster 3 20 60 10/23/24 10:19:42 AM
Stonehard Water 1 206 206 8/11/22 5:28:34 AM
Moonlight Aethersand 1 734 734 6/15/22 6:03:45 PM
Grade 5 Strength Alkahest 1 158 158 6/13/22 10:09:48 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,242

Profit/Loss Normal = -214

Profit/Loss HQ = 586

Current Prices

Price History

Unicorn Cross Server Data for Grade 6 Tincture of Strength on Meteor

Ramuh 447 490 1,056 447 0 0 0 0 0 3/25/23 10:59:40 AM
Unicorn 315 36 0 315 905 590 1,000 96,000 106 5/18/23 3:46:20 PM
Valefor 840 3,081 1,292 840 1,176 65 790 2,451,969 2,085 6/16/22 3:22:59 AM
Yojimbo 180 807 890 180 0 0 0 0 0 3/15/23 2:55:04 PM
Zeromus 520 213 630 520 1,462 385 1,400 117,000 80 5/16/23 8:53:11 AM
Belias 625 5,987 1,050 625 1,053 280 1,000 2,290,272 2,174 6/16/22 5:32:19 AM
Mandragora 310 332 1,575 310 0 0 0 0 0 3/25/23 12:38:05 PM
Shinryu 310 1,843 426 310 405 595 405 32,400 80 5/27/23 3:37:08 AM