Carrot Nibbles

Server: Unicorn

Last Updated: 10/4/23 12:47:08 PM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 30
More Information

Gathering info:

8491 126 609 126 620 620 306,900 495 17.20

Level 85 Culinarian Recipe for Carrot Nibbles

Cyclops Onion 1 314 314 2/26/23 9:25:05 AM
Water Crystal 7 35 245 2/24/23 6:49:17 PM
Night Vinegar 1 368 368 5/4/23 7:36:28 PM
Carrot of Happiness 2 210 420 6/12/22 1:12:59 AM
Cucumber 2 221 442 2/19/23 11:25:13 AM
Fire Crystal 8 30 240 10/6/23 4:48:37 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,029

Profit/Loss Normal = -481

Profit/Loss HQ = -56

Current Prices

Price History

Unicorn Cross Server Data for Carrot Nibbles on Meteor

Ramuh 116 8,861 634 116 623 504 603 504,073 809 9/25/23 5:57:25 AM
Unicorn 126 8,491 609 126 620 494 620 306,900 495 10/4/23 12:47:08 PM
Valefor 231 5,684 735 231 773 389 750 1,281,459 1,656 6/15/22 1:10:34 PM
Yojimbo 250 2,455 690 250 720 370 718 1,219,824 1,692 7/4/23 10:15:38 PM
Zeromus 200 9,421 556 200 534 420 529 791,574 1,482 10/4/23 6:08:41 PM
Belias 347 7,022 725 347 676 273 500 941,163 1,392 6/15/22 3:08:30 PM
Mandragora 294 5,738 746 294 702 326 700 966,883 1,376 6/16/22 6:50:49 AM
Shinryu 294 4,631 840 294 784 326 253 735,403 938 6/16/22 6:21:56 AM