Saffron Cloth

Server: Unicorn

Last Updated: 6/10/22 12:16:42 PM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

35 3,051 3,051 7,329 1,405 5,000 118,074 84 0.40

Level 80 Weaver Recipe for Saffron Cloth

Wind Cluster 3 20 60 10/25/24 8:29:42 AM
Lightning Cluster 3 28 84 10/26/24 4:53:32 AM
Gardenia Fruit 2 93 186 6/15/22 1:23:29 PM
Raindrop Cotton Boll 4 315 1,260 6/9/22 8:18:25 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,590

Profit/Loss Normal = 6,410

Profit/Loss HQ = 6,310

Current Prices

Price History

Unicorn Cross Server Data for Saffron Cloth on Meteor

Ramuh 1,670 51 0 1,670 1,501 -265 1,590 27,020 18 6/10/22 12:43:07 PM
Unicorn 3,051 35 3,051 7,329 1,405 -1,646 5,000 118,074 84 6/10/22 12:16:42 PM
Valefor 2,100 347 2,520 2,100 2,085 -695 2,000 14,599 7 6/10/22 12:05:01 PM
Yojimbo 2,000 77 3,000 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 4/6/23 11:31:45 AM
Zeromus 2,980 78 7,480 2,980 4,996 -1,575 7,000 269,824 54 7/12/22 12:47:59 PM
Belias 9,450 47 12,600 9,450 9,257 -8,045 9,000 64,800 7 6/10/22 2:08:34 PM
Mandragora 7,350 274 7,350 7,980 7,350 -5,945 7,000 227,864 31 6/26/21 11:14:37 PM
Shinryu 6,183 172 8,400 6,183 0 0 0 0 0 2/13/23 7:11:02 AM