Chalicotherium Leather

Server: Unicorn

Last Updated: 6/10/22 8:29:55 PM
Search Category: Leather | Item Category: Leather | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

136 183 525 183 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 80 Leatherworker Recipe for Chalicotherium Leather

Wind Cluster 2 20 40 10/25/24 8:29:42 AM
Earth Cluster 2 54 108 6/24/23 7:58:29 PM
Chalicotherium Skin 4 1,500 6,000 2/14/20 9:50:42 PM
Multifaceted Alumen 2 2,000 4,000 2/14/20 9:50:17 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 10,148

Profit/Loss Normal = -9,898

Profit/Loss HQ = -9,898

Current Prices

Price History

Unicorn Cross Server Data for Chalicotherium Leather on Meteor

Ramuh 25 72 100 25 0 0 0 0 0 6/10/22 8:48:47 PM
Unicorn 183 136 525 183 0 0 0 0 0 6/10/22 8:29:55 PM
Valefor 252 108 268 252 250 -252 254 1,253 5 2/21/23 4:09:54 AM
Yojimbo 300 215 390 300 291 -300 400 14,590 50 11/10/22 8:37:34 PM
Zeromus 231 62 828 231 413 -231 300 1,654 4 6/10/22 7:45:14 PM
Belias 57 88 105 57 128 -57 130 1,288 10 6/10/22 2:11:07 PM
Mandragora 53 92 498 53 318 -53 50 4,461 14 6/18/21 2:28:04 PM
Shinryu 99 73 314 99 99 -99 94 498 5 2/27/23 6:20:55 PM