Tempered Glass

Server: Unicorn

Last Updated: 6/16/22 3:32:46 AM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

69 13,650 13,650 13,650 12,719 13,000 114,476 9 7.70

Level 60 Alchemist Recipe for Tempered Glass

Lightning Crystal 7 9 63 8/10/22 11:39:22 AM
Water Crystal 7 35 245 2/24/23 6:49:17 PM
Glass Fiber 1 7,245 7,245 2/28/23 4:40:13 PM
Carbon Fiber 1 1,239 1,239 2/22/23 11:25:59 PM
Natron 1 314 314 2/13/23 5:46:05 AM
Silex 3 200 600 5/22/22 1:00:37 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 9,706

Profit/Loss Normal = 3,794

Profit/Loss HQ = 3,294

Current Prices

Price History

Unicorn Cross Server Data for Tempered Glass on Meteor

Ramuh 13,650 90 13,650 15,750 13,830 -931 15,000 636,208 46 6/16/22 3:55:54 AM
Unicorn 13,650 69 13,650 13,650 12,719 -931 13,000 114,476 9 6/16/22 3:32:46 AM
Valefor 14,690 121 15,624 14,690 14,753 -1,971 14,900 191,798 13 6/16/22 3:21:39 AM
Yojimbo 11,000 97 11,000 11,000 12,721 1,719 13,500 2,595,104 204 7/5/23 12:13:29 AM
Zeromus 10,500 257 10,500 12,593 11,785 2,219 13,000 271,074 23 6/16/22 2:25:05 AM
Belias 7,354 616 8,400 7,354 7,658 5,365 7,500 727,530 95 6/10/22 2:08:29 PM
Mandragora 11,550 572 11,550 11,550 11,019 1,169 11,111 639,110 58 6/16/22 1:48:19 AM
Shinryu 13,650 66 13,650 13,650 13,000 -931 13,000 325,000 25 6/16/22 1:15:55 AM