Tinker's Calm

Server: Unicorn

Last Updated: 6/14/22 2:34:26 PM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 32
More Information

Gathering info:

59 630 1,575 630 500 500 4,000 8 7.40

Level 50 Alchemist Recipe for Tinker's Calm

Virgin Basilisk Egg 2 115 230 2/10/22 6:44:26 AM
Rosemary 2 420 840 6/10/22 8:28:04 PM
Lightning Cluster 2 28 56 10/26/24 4:53:32 AM
Water Cluster 2 20 40 10/23/24 10:19:42 AM
Allagan Catalyst 1 91 91 6/12/22 1:09:55 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,257

Profit/Loss Normal = 280

Profit/Loss HQ = 681

Current Prices

Price History

Unicorn Cross Server Data for Tinker's Calm on Meteor

Ramuh 1,050 91 1,050 1,050 578 -550 500 22,000 38 6/14/22 2:55:15 PM
Unicorn 630 59 1,575 630 500 -130 500 4,000 8 6/14/22 2:34:26 PM
Valefor 1,890 59 3,045 1,890 2,560 -1,390 3,000 38,400 15 6/14/22 2:23:25 PM
Yojimbo 500 226 1,900 500 916 0 1,500 33,928 37 5/22/23 9:56:38 PM
Belias 1,050 96 2,625 1,050 2,066 -550 2,800 18,600 9 6/14/22 4:08:04 PM
Mandragora 1,050 36 4,725 1,050 0 0 0 0 0 6/4/21 8:40:19 PM