Best Man's Slacks

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 5/1/23 3:50:12 PM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 300
More Information

Gathering info:

17 31,495 31,500 31,495 39,518 34,295 197,593 5 3.40

Level 50 Weaver Recipe for Best Man's Slacks

Wind Cluster 1 16 16 2/21/25 7:34:45 PM
Lightning Cluster 1 98 98 2/21/25 7:35:36 PM
Undyed Woolen Cloth 2 999 1,998 5/21/23 6:27:26 PM
Vanya Silk 1 895 895 9/17/23 2:12:57 PM
Silk Thread 1 208 208 2/27/23 2:47:25 AM
Fieldcraft Demimateria II 1 981 981 10/8/23 4:58:24 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,196

Profit/Loss Normal = 30,099

Profit/Loss HQ = 48,804

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Best Man's Slacks on Primal

Behemoth 28,770 10 0 28,770 27,620 10,748 27,300 138,100 5 6/21/23 6:54:43 PM
Excalibur 93,448 11 0 93,448 32,500 -53,930 25,000 65,000 2 6/23/23 7:49:55 AM
Exodus 79,221 6 0 79,221 75,726 -39,703 75,499 605,814 8 6/19/23 7:49:32 PM
Famfrit 19,000 17 20,250 19,000 28,158 20,518 20,275 337,899 12 1/29/24 3:19:16 AM
Hyperion 28,349 9 0 28,349 30,360 11,169 26,500 121,440 4 6/5/23 4:25:23 AM
Lamia 49,235 9 525,000 49,235 49,995 -9,717 49,994 249,976 5 5/12/23 5:05:02 PM
Leviathan 20,948 6 0 20,948 19,956 18,570 19,959 99,784 5 6/13/23 11:45:14 PM
Ultros 31,495 17 31,500 31,495 39,518 8,023 34,295 197,593 5 5/1/23 3:50:12 PM