Augmented Cashmere Robe of Casting

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 3/29/23 4:55:52 AM
Search Category: Body | Item Category: Body | Sell price to vendor: 177
More Information

Gathering info:

11 7,500 7,500 7,998 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 50 Weaver Recipe for Augmented Cashmere Robe of Casting

Wind Cluster 1 16 16 2/21/25 7:34:45 PM
Lightning Cluster 2 98 196 2/21/25 7:35:36 PM
Cashmere Robe of Casting 1 2,000 2,000 4/26/21 5:17:56 PM
Cashmere Cloth 2 735 1,470 6/22/23 3:00:04 PM
Battlecraft Demimateria II 10 303 3,030 9/20/23 4:53:29 AM
Battlecraft Demimateria III 1 614 614 10/4/23 4:48:52 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 7,326

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,326

Profit/Loss HQ = 674

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Augmented Cashmere Robe of Casting on Primal

Behemoth 21,000 2 24,150 21,000 30,219 -21,000 69,000 151,095 5 6/25/23 8:53:21 AM
Excalibur 525 20 525 1,045 964 -525 899 2,893 3 6/22/23 10:13:31 PM
Exodus 9,000 21 11,800 9,000 6,488 -9,000 8,500 58,398 9 2/28/22 1:32:48 AM
Famfrit 975 17 1,590 975 1,414 -975 995 2,829 2 5/27/22 5:42:20 PM
Hyperion 1,889 24 1,889 21,000 2,277 -1,889 2,300 11,389 5 5/25/21 3:05:49 PM
Lamia 16,799 14 20,790 16,799 17,999 -16,799 19,998 35,998 2 5/26/23 2:47:46 AM
Leviathan 22,103 1 22,103 0 4,298 -22,103 15,000 42,985 10 6/1/23 5:25:55 AM
Ultros 7,500 11 7,500 7,998 0 0 0 0 0 3/29/23 4:55:52 AM