Moogle Flooring

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 6/22/23 5:56:17 AM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Flooring | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

40 945 945 1,195 1,195 1,195 1 40.00

Level 50 Weaver Recipe for Moogle Flooring

Wind Cluster 1 16 16 2/21/25 7:34:45 PM
Lightning Cluster 1 98 98 2/21/25 7:35:36 PM
Undyed Felt 5 1,200 6,000 11/9/23 8:42:33 PM
Woolen Yarn 5 398 1,990 2/25/23 11:16:17 PM
Moggle Mog XII's Whisker 1 92,400 92,400 2/25/23 12:02:38 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 100,504

Profit/Loss Normal = -99,309

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Moogle Flooring on Primal

Behemoth 516 33 0 516 0 0 0 0 0 6/11/23 8:44:41 PM
Excalibur 7,349 18 0 7,349 2,295 -6,154 7,498 11,478 5 6/9/23 10:38:35 AM
Exodus 5,176 19 0 5,176 4,939 -3,981 4,939 9,879 2 5/16/23 6:56:36 AM
Famfrit 2,100 14 0 2,100 1,999 -905 1,999 5,997 3 6/9/23 7:51:00 AM
Hyperion 1,573 21 0 1,573 200 -378 200 200 1 6/14/23 1:43:59 PM
Lamia 3,145 23 0 3,145 3,599 -1,950 3,150 7,199 2 4/29/23 10:59:55 PM
Leviathan 840 19 0 840 886 355 680 2,660 3 6/13/23 4:40:23 PM
Ultros 945 40 0 945 1,195 250 1,195 1,195 1 6/22/23 5:56:17 AM